WELCOME TO THE LIBRARY, a Ben-flavoured repository of ideas and inspiration: always free, always open.


For the best part of 25 years, I’ve been on the road. Mum cites 40+ addresses in 7 countries she’s kept track of. It’s time to share some of the things I’ve learned.

You’ll find links to and excerpts from content I’ve had published scattered about here, but for regularly updated musings on just about anything, check out the NEWS.

If anything on this site inspires you to discover something or somewhere new, or encourages you to persevere with an idea you’d almost abandoned or return to a place you’d once been and loved, I’ll consider Words and Journeys, a success.


Our vision: “… to be an anchor of thought provoking, informative and amusing reading, from a diverse range of sources, in a variety of genres”.

We encourage our guests to re-imagine an environment free from “social distancing”. We promote freedom of thought, quiet reflection and clarity in comm