“Welcome to Germany There’s something undeniably artistic in the way Germany’s scenery unfolds — the corrugated, dune-fringed coasts of the north, and the moody forests, romantic river valleys and vast vineyards of the centre, all topped by the off-the-charts splendour of the Aips. You’ll encounter history in towns where streets were laid well before Columbus set sail and In castles set high above rows of half-timbered houses whose flower boxes billow with crimson geraniums. Germany’s great cities — Berlin, Munich and Cologne among them — come in more flavours than a jar of jelly beans. Get ready to be wowed by the full spectrum of cultural colour and flair, from high art and opera to saucy cabaret and a nocturnal universe at the cutting edge of cool... Wilkommen in Deutschland! ”
— Benedict Walker, Lonely Planet Best of Germany, 2nd ed., 2019.