…in his first e-BOOK, “PEABODY AND ME”.
Styled as a “kids’ book” for adults, “Peabody and Me” is my pandemic story; a fantastical, semi-autobiographical reflection on two decades of global adventures living my “dream life” as a successful travel writer—and how everything fell apart when that bubble burst and our freedom to roam was suddenly revoked.
Like so many, I spent much of the 2020 lockdowns, alone and with time on my hands. In this environment, my unchecked imagination gave life to an unexpected friendship with an enigmatic young sloth named Professor Peabody, who found me in a shopping centre after a long search, and entreated me to ghost-write a book of his teachings—not just for ‘the humans’, but the animals, the tree-people and all our unseen friends—to help us learn to heal.
“Peabody and Me” speaks to an animistic worldeview for a post-COVID planet. It’s an anthropomorphic exploration of life, love, family, friends, the earth and our place on it; a series of reflections for a generation living through a remarkable period in our history—a generation entrusted with the task of co-creating a new world, enthusiastically or reluctantly as that may be.
With something for young and not-so-young audiences alike, Peabody’s message is one of service, written with gratitude for everything that was the world we knew before 2020, and everything that it might become, if we raise to the challenge of healing ourselves and our planet.
This little e-book, we hope, is the premier edition in a series of Professor Peabody’s teachings: he has much to share! The Professor is keen to make friends with you all, and I’m excited to finally to share this little tale, that has been at least two years and perhaps several lifetimes, in the making.
Benedict Walker, January 2022.
We’re banking on this adorable, insightful and friendly little fellow becoming #BIGINJAPAN… really soon!