Thanks for stopping by! My name is Benedict Walker. I’m a seasoned travel writer, photographer, some-time travel agent and general good-vibes guy (I try…) and this is my home in cyberspace.
I hail from Newcastle, Australia, but I’ve lingered in Canada, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, the UK and the US. I’m presently calling the beautiful NSW mid-north coast home, until such time that I can return to Leipzig/Berlin where I’ve put down some roots and laid loose plans for the future.
My wanderlust began at age 12, fuelled by my obsession with all things Japanese. It took root a few years later when Dad, with deteriorating eyesight, handed down his camera gear and taught me the basics of photography. I couldn’t “grow up” fast enough to get out there On The Road… dreaming up (or remembering?) my life as a Beat Poet. By the time I finished University, the condition had firmly taken hold.
I’m a “thinker”, like my Dad; a dreamer and a storyteller. I write passionately and I love languages: in another life I’d probably have made an excellent diplomat!
The freedom to explore our amazing planet with its myriad of cultures, friends to find, customs and traditions to discover, ideas to consider and things to experience, means everything to me.
In 2020, the civilisations of our planet were plunged into an un-welcomed, unknown era which continues to confuse and confound. Most of us have been confronted and challenged and many of us have been forced to get intimate with our deepest fears; not an easy or pleasant thing to do, when you do it properly - with courage, honesty and integrity. COVID-19 put the brakes on my freedom to roam, showing me that I’d completely taken that freedom, for granted. And so, after a quarter-century of roaming, writing up and photographing my adventures, I’m taking the time to slow down, unpack, reflect and share. If you’d like to learn more about all that, and how and why the site came to be, have a gander here…
My hope is that something I’ve shared here might stir up your spirit of adventure and bolster the bravado we all need to help us cast away the veil of fear which so often (sometimes on a daily basis!) sways us from that invisible path we’re constantly rolling out before ourselves, heading perfectly and effortlessly towards our most rewarding lives, creating and experiencing our true passions, desires and strengths. Once we’re able to lift that veil and see the simplicity of allowing our natural brilliance to guide us, we can (re)discover a clarity of mind from where we can make choices that truly reflect who we are—who you are; empowering the expression of values and allowing the joy of experiencing your own personal preferences, unshackled by the fear of judgement or comparison, and bolstered by our natural human instinct to love, create, support and expand.
If, in the face of the natural and un-natural destruction and confusion that circulates in our world today, something I’ve written or shared, helps return you to that place of self-knowing, where anxiety and fear dare not tread, then I will have done my good deed for the day!