our catalog
Like most supermarkets these days, our shelves are a little bare, for now: more is coming!
We use the Dewey Decimal system of filing and classification.
Includes articles I’ve written for lonelyplanet.com and links to press & publishing excerpts from other writers on a variety of topics.
My own esoteric and philosophical wanderings and links to the works of notable philosophers, gurus and psychologists. Handy in a pand-y…
May include COVID-19 related texts from a socio-cultural/socio-economic standpoint.
Ramblings on my love affair with tech, spanning four decades, and my concerns about where things might be headed. Also… fun and flashy gadgets galore.
Includes, “The Viral Times” - primarily a resource compiled from a range of sources about the COVID-19 pandemic. Regularly updated.
(…yes it is… it’s the Old St. John’s Hospital in Bruges, Belgium!)
Excerpts from “Shunyata”, a play I co-wrote and co-directed with the magnificent Sarah Sabell (contact me if you’d like to read it); plus loads of arty-farty stuff.
Original fictional and non-fictional works in a variety of genres; links to the work of other writers and recommended reading lists for those days in isolation.
(Travel related writing, appears below, under “Travel/Geography”, with the exception of links to published articles, which you can find here).