Killer bugs, birthdays and not enough sleep...

Over the past months, I made a few different versions of “welcome” videos to the site. This one, below, was at one time, the final choice, and the day on which it was recorded, my 43rd birthday, was supposed to be the day I launched the entire site. Needless to say, it didn’t happen then. But, today, we’ve made it! Finally! Almost 3 weeks later. It’s a little long and won’t be for everyone, but I’ve decided to still put it out there, just in case it strikes a chord with someone… I think I raise some valid points, and I do shout out hello to a few. And if for no other reason… it took me at least 3 hours, late at night, in self-isolation, on my birthday, to remember all that I learned back in University days, to dramatically light the shot (without proper gear) and set up the frame!