If you’d like to commission something, have a collaboration in mind, or you’d like to reproduce some of my work, please email:


If you have the time, feedback, although scarier than Trump, is always welcomed:

If you love Words and Journeys, whether you found my photography on Instagram or maybe even shadowed me around the world with Lonely Planet and would like to encourage me, in the spirit of my friends on the Sanriku Kaigan, to “never give up”; financial support is crucial at this formative time and is hugely appreciated.


If that’s something you feel drawn to, it’s easy to do, won’t break the bank, and means you’ll get regular wisdom, humour in the key of me, earth flavoured eye candy and more of what you like most, tailored, potentially to your interests and needs; by ‘sponsoring’ W&J/me, using Patreon, a payment/subscription hub for creative freelancers.

Whilst the cost is similar, don’t think of it as sponsoring a child, or making a charitable donation, but as subscribing to Words and Journeys content, as once we did to our favourite magazines. A new platform for a post pandemic world, Patreon (and services like it) gives people like me, who take the leap of faith in backing themselves to go it alone, following their creative dreams, the sense of stability that regular income brings. Something all freelancers have to surrender with the pay-checks from their last salaried jobs.


Sound reasonable? Click here to see what a Patreon subscription to Words and Journeys might look like and how it can strengthen a connection between you, me, and Professor P.

But if Patreon’s not for you, you can still help get the Professor’s timely teachings on friendship and fun, love, laughter, compassion and communication, out to the many, as we build this new world together. Can do?

Grab your copy of “Peabody and Me” on Apple Books; and spread the word!

#peabodyandme #theprofgoesviral #wordsandjourneys


(A huge tack så mycket, also, to the incredibly talented Bea Holmberg for sharing her incredible self portrait with the Aurora Borealis. Some skilful photography in that selfie, folks! Click the link to be wowed by work.)